
What is Individual Counselling

Individual counselling is one-on-one therapy between a client and a qualified therapist in a secure, empathetic, and private setting. 

In Individual Counselling client can expresses all of his thoughts. Making the client feel at ease enough to communicate his thoughts allows the therapist to elicit more information from him. 

The client is able to pinpoint the elements of their lives they would like to change as a result. 

They have a greater understanding of both themselves and others as a result. 

Individual Counselling

Following counselling, individuals are aware of their problems and their true aspirations for the future. 

They establish personal objectives and begin making the necessary changes for a healthier and happier life. 

Here, the client is instructed to investigate, evaluate, and comprehend their emotions, convictions, and actions. 

They can use this to pinpoint the elements of their lives they want to improve.

 In order to achieve a desired change for a healthier and happier life, it aids individuals in developing a better understanding of themselves and others, setting personal objectives, and working towards those goals.

What Is Corporate Counselling?

Individual Counselling

This type of counseling is designed to help employees achieve personal and team effectiveness in the workplace and assess and enhance individual employee work style. Also, it improves communication skills and relationships at work and at home.

An employee assistance program (EAP) is a work-based intervention program designed to assist employees in resolving personal problems that may be adversely affecting the employee’s performance. Its cover a broad range of issues related to:

  • Child or Elder care
  • Relationship challenges
  • Financial or Legal problems
  • Traumatic events
  • Addiction for alcohol or substance abuse and much more….




  • Workshops / Seminars
  • Individual & Group Counseling
  • Phone / Online Counseling

We offer a customized approach for the wellbeing of every individual through our Clinical support. An EAP approach works very closely with functional manager, head of the departments and higher management based on the initial inputs and recommendation the whole program will be designed and executed.

  • Dedicated Team & Account manager would be set under EAP contract.
  • Prioritized appointments would be set.
  • Weekly appointment would be set.
  • Schedule sessions, workshops & webinars for collective recovery.
  • Multiple sessions for every individual without delay in faster recovery of a particular patient.
  • Cost effective
  • Continuous & flexible timing.
  • Online & on Call sessions by experienced psychologists.
Counselling is a powerful tool for personal growth and healing, providing a safe space to explore and overcome life's obstacles."
Irvin Yalom
Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst
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